Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Asissnment #5

I never thought about using podcasts for younger children until reading “Langwitches”. The children used so many skills during the pod cast. We would not think they would use in this kind of project. Technology really is so helpful in all grades and is continuing to get better.
The Education Podcasting Network
I think this website will benefit all teachers who are a little older and did not learn how to use podcasts and or computers at all. If teachers will use this website to learn how to do podcast then teach their children they will give them a better start for the future. I think this website is great and will help those who do not know much about technology, if they are willing to put for the effort.
Judy Scharf Podcast Collection
Mrs. Scharf’s tips on how to do a podcast were very helpful. She gave step by step directions on how to succeed in your podcast and how to plan according to a certain time frame to get your podcast done. She was very helpful about how to research your topic. If you follow these steps she has laid out you should have no problem.
="picture of an ipad" TITLE="WordPress"


  1. Great post Stephanie!

    Podcasting is truly a great teaching tool. As you said the students use so many skills when creating podcasts. They have to read, write, research or find information, etc. Plus, one of the most important lessons in podcasting especially in small groups is learning to work and learn with others. Mastering these critical skills at such a young age gives these students a foundation they will build on for the resto of their lives. SS

  2. All of these websites and post were so useful! It's amazing how creative students can get with podcasts. I agree, if teacher's actually use the website to help them learn how to do the podcast, they can really become successful teachers. I think it's important for students to show their creative side as well learning something in the process. Podcast also give students the ability to go back and listen/watch what they have done and share with others as well!
