Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog Assignment 3

A Vision of Study Today
This video is very factual. Every year we spend thousands of dollars on book that we do not even use in a class. What is that doing for us? I will be probably in debt about $30,000 when I graduate. I pay for my own college.
If you are a good persistent student you usually really do spend about 3.5 hour’s online everyday if not more. I too work about two to three hours a day. I full time college student can’t hardly work much more than that. I agree with the seven hours spent sleeping every day, if I get more than that I must not be doing enough homework. I loved this video it was all so true and we don’t thing about every other college student going through the same thing we are, it’s world wide.
It’s not about the Technology
Ms. Hines starts by telling us that technology is not the key to learning everything in schools. First teachers need to know there students to get anything across to them. If the teachers do not know the latest trends in learning then they might not get across to the students. She says we have to “work smarter not harder.” This means some students might learn differently so if we “work smarter” meaning getting them to learn according to their learning ability it will stick better.
The use of computers in schools is useless if the teacher does not know how to use it. Why have a smart bored if the whole time during class the teacher is learning how to used it while teaching, that is taking time away from the children learning. Ms. Hines says that if a teacher can come up with a creative new way to teach a certain subject then go for it! This will only help and prepare the student for what is yet to come.

Is it ok to be a technology illiterate teacher?
I agreed with everything Mr. Fisch had to say. If we do not use technology in today’s class room how are we going to connect with our children in our class room. Today’s world revolves around technology and computers.
We have to teach our children how to look other places to find answer and to explore outside or a text book. I wish I had these types of skill before I entered college. So as future teachers we are going to have to engage in technology and help our kids learn as much as they can about it. This will change our world as we know it.

Social Media Count
This media count is ridicules. We do not actually think about any of this on a daily basis. This means that personal networking is booming and people are staying connected in so many ways more than face to face. This would never have happened twenty years ago. Now we can learn so many new things as future teachers that we would not have learned about unless we went to a billion workshops. These new online tools will help us greatly.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,

    Mrs. Hines does make some great points in her blog post. It is so important for us to be learners and be able to get across to our students. It is also imperative that we know how to work smarter because this will make our job so much easier. I know so many teachers that have access to technology and don't use it, and I also know teachers who wish they had technology but cannot get it because of funding. It is so important that we use everything we are given to enhance our classrooms and make a beneficial learning environment for our students.
