Sunday, November 7, 2010

Summary Post C4K comments 3-7

C4K #3
Patricia drew a picture of herself pretending to a Maori Mariner. She wrote that she was paddling to Aotearoa and when she gets there she is going to kiss the golden sand. I posted on Patricia’s picture that I loved the colors she used in her picture. Also I really liked the cross she had on her boat in the picture.
C4K #4
In Clareice’s blog post she told us she was excited about the holiday coming up because she was going to China. Her father and grandmother live there and she was excited to go see them. I replied back to her post and said you seem very excited about going to China and have fun.
C4K #5
The senior in high school tells us that “education is not a destination but is a journey”. He tells us the most important things he has learned in school. And he also tells us about how women in Saudi Arabia are treated and how they have to have permission from a male to do day to day things. But if these women were educated they would know that they don’t have to put up with this and leave!! I relied to his post by saying; I think the world would be a much better place if we were all educated.
Aaron made a chart to show how many hits a day certain websites get such as I told him I thought it was very interesting that AltaVista had way more hits than Google.
C4K #6
Cole M. wrote on his blog that summer will not last forever. So do not waste your time watching T.V. I replied to his post by saying; I do not watch T.V. so I do not waste a lot of time watching T.V. I have way too many other things to be doing rather than watching T.V.
Joe said that school has changed so much for him since 4th grade. He said that they now have their own personal computers rather than having to share computers now. I replied to his post by saying that it sounds like school for you really has changed for you since 4th grade. I did not get my own person computer until I started college.

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